Subjectio’s Digital Tool is an MIT license open source project, written in a Python 3.6 Flask framework.
The application has been programmed with Twitter best practices in mind, ensuring complete compliance and fair use of services.
MongoDB combined with Mongoengine drives the database allowing Subjectio’s digital tool working in persistent mode to post replies to tweets from a Job Queue
The application is composed of two coupled parts:
1. A control panel, written in Flask framework managing Payloads.
2. A Daemon type part processing operations posted in a Job Queue and making calls to an Twitter Application Programming Interface (API), using Python library Tweepy. A Unix type operating system is required to run the application. Operating System Linux Debian is recommended.
Subjectio’s digital tool uses a database to record the acquired and processed information. Found Tweets matching the search queries embedded in the Payloads are saved in a special data structure (collection) called Found Tweets. When a new tweet is found to trigger a reply, the tweet is added to the job collection named Job Queue. The Job Queue associates datas from the Payloads and Found Tweets, and submit additional information, for example, whether the job has already been processed and, if completed, when.
The full documentation and code can be found on GitHub.